We are excited to announce the release of the English resume generation feature powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology!
You can now use your existing Japanese resume to automatically create an English one in just 60 seconds with a standard English resume template applied.
This new feature is designed to streamline your resume creation process, following some of our other most popular resume related AI supporting functions, including the ChatGPT-based resume highlight creation feature, and our proprietary resume photo AI generation tool.
NGA旗下的APP《HelloBoss》正式发布了由OpenAI的ChatGPT 技术驱动的英文简历生成功能!
这一功能旨在简化用户简历制作的流程,是继其他人气AI生成功能(包括基于 ChatGPT 的自我介绍生成功能和简历照片生成功能等)之后的又一新功能。