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We are thrilled to introduce our latest feature in HelloBoss: the personal AI Mentor, enabling real-time voice interactions powered by advanced generative AI!
The AI Mentor continuously learns from each job seeker’s resume, in-app behavior, and conversations to provide personalized support. It offers tailored mock interview practices, career consulting, and even lifestyle advice to help job seekers achieve their goals. Users can choose from three scenarios: “Mock Interviews”, “Career Consulting”, and “Casual Conversations”, to engage with their AI Mentor.
With the implementation of the AI Mentor feature, HelloBoss aims not only to help job seekers avoid missed opportunities due to interview anxiety or lack of preparation, and to support companies in acquiring talent, but also to enhance productivity and revitalizes society through career development and lifestyle support.



HelloBoss发布了最新功能:AI导师(AI Mentor),通过最先进的AI生成技术可实现实时语音交互。
通过AI导师功能,HelloBoss 不仅希望帮助求职者避免因面试紧张或准备不足而错失良机,为企业录用合适人才提供支持,还希望为求职者提供职业发展和生活方式方面的建议和帮助,从而为社会做出贡献。


